Research Training Network - FP6

Training and/or transfer of knowledge activities

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Other Meetings

The various meetings and workshops envisioned as part of the science, the training and ToK aspects, and management of the consortium are summarized in Table B.5. The science task areas will organize workshops in alternating years. The network co-ordinator will organize the yearly plenary consortium meeting. At this meeting, besides science, the training/ToK and management aspects will be discussed. The accompanying “ESR/ER Meeting” is primarily, but not exclusively, for the appointed ESR/ER to provide a forum for developing collaborations among themselves. The board will meet at least three times a year.

In addition to the yearly Summer Schools mentioned previously, it is the intention to organise High School Summer Schools locally in the countries associated with the consortium as part of the dissemination actions described in Section B.2.g.
Table B.5: Planned Schedule of meetings

Meeting Periodicity duration convenor
Task area workshop Yearly 2-3 days Task manager
Topical workshops Yearly 5 days Appropriate team leader
Network science meeting Yearly 2 Days Network co-ordinator
Network management meeting Yearly 1 Day Network co-ordinator
Network ESR/ER meeting Yearly 1-2 days Network co-ordinator
Board meetings 3/year 1 day Board
Summer School Yearly 2 weeks Appropriate team leader
High School Summer School Yearly 3-5 days Appropriate team leader
International science meeting Once in 4 years 5 days Network co-ordinator
Secondment visits supervisor As appropriate 1-2 days Supervisor
Second appointment visits supervisor As appropriate 1-2 days Supervisor