Training and/or transfer of knowledge activities
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The training and ToK objective of
this project is to provide the appointed Early Stage (ESR) and
Experienced (ER) Researchers with a unique training and transfer of
knowledge environment in the field of molecular astrophysics, fully
utilising the wide expertise and experience available within the
consortium. The deeply interwoven scientific programme will form the
core of the scientific training of the appointed ESRs/ERs.
The training/ToK received by the
appointed ESRs/ERs in this multi-facetted project will provide them
with a very broad and wide-ranging physics-chemistry scientific
background and expertise. Besides a career in an academic,
observatory, or space sciences environment, the skills that these
researchers develop will also be highly desirable for research and
development positions within a broad scale of industries, including
the automotive, chemical, aerospace, software, and telecommunication
industry, as well as provide them with an excellent background in
international co-operative projects.