Research Training Network - FP6

Collective expertize of the network teams

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Participant Number 7: Göttingen (D)

Expertise in Research and Complementarity
The Göttingen team is led by Professor Jürgen Troe (JT). He has wide experience in reaction kinetics in all areas, spectroscopy, and photochemistry, both in experiment and theory. In addition, his fields are laser technology, combustion, atmospheric chemistry and setting up data bases for kinetics and spectroscopy. He has been a professor for physical chemistry at the Swiss Federal Polytechnique at Lausanne (Switzerland). Presently he is professor and director at the Institute for Physical Chemistry of the University of Göttingen and at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry at Göttingen. He is chairman of the Laboratory for Laser Technology at Göttingen. He has received two honorary doctorates (Bordeaux and Karlsruhe), one honorary professorship (Lausanne), many awards such as the Polanyi Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry (London), the Bernard Lewis Gold Medal of the Combustion Institute (Pittsburgh), and the Walther Nernst Medal of the Bunsengesellschaft (Frankfurt). Göttingen is a well-known center of reaction kinetics. JT is chairman of a center of excellence on ``unimolecular processes'' established by the German National Science Foundation. Göttingen provides first-rate infrastructure as well as experimental and theoretical know-how for all kinds of problems in reaction kinetics, spectroscopy, molecular physics, laser technology, combustion, atmospheric and astrophysicochemical kinetics. The team has been active in several European collaborative research programs such as several programs on Non-Nuclear Energy Research and Astrophysical Chemistry. JT since long has been an active member of the former CODATA/now IUPAC task group for the critical evaluation of kinetic and spectroscopic data for atmospheric chemistry. He is also a member of the former EU/now IUPAC task group for the critical evaluation of kinetic data for combustion chemistry. The created data base is generally accepted for modelling of atmospheric and combustion chemistry.
Expertise in Training and Knowledge Transfer
The postdoctoral fellow (PDF) would either be employed in experimental work with shock waves or laser photochemistry or would participate in theoretical modelling of rate processes of astrophysicochemical importance. Some help in critically evaluating rate data and setting up reliable data bases for astrophysical chemistry may also be asked for. The PDF will participate in the very active research activity within the center of excellence and the activities around. Over the past four years, JT has supervised about 20 students (2/3 M, 1/3 F) who have finished their PhD. His groups at the University of Göttingen and at the Max-Planck-Institute currently comprise about 40 PhD and diploma students as well as about 10 postdoctoral coworkers.
Involvement of Key Scientific Staff.

Name Position M/F Expertise
J. Troe Professor M Reaction kinetics
C. Cobos PDF M Data evaluation, theory
V. Ushakov PDF M Theory
A. Maergoiz PDF M Theory
A. Croce PDF F Shock waves
T. Knöpel PhD M Low temperature kinetics
R. van Benten PhD F Low temperature kinetics

Significant References
1. Statistical rate theory for the HO + O $\leftrightarrow$ HO$_2$ $\leftrightarrow$ HO + O reaction system: SACM/CT calculations between 0 and 5000 K. L. B. Harding, A. I. Maergoiz, J. Troe and V. G. Ushakov, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 11019-11034 (2000).
2. Experimental and theoretical study of the ion-molecule association reaction NH$_4^+$ + NH$_3$ (+M) $\rightarrow$ N$_2$H$_7^+$ (+M). S. Hamon, T. Speck, J. B. A. Mitchell, B. R. Rowe and J. Troe, J. Chem. Phys. 117, 2557-2567 (2002).