Research Training Network - FP6

Management and feasibility

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Network communication

All members of the consortium will communicate through e-mails on a daily basis. Results will also be disseminated within the consortium through a network web-page and through workshops on specific topics. The network co-ordinator, deputy network co-ordinator, network training co-ordinator, network administrative co-ordinator, the advisory board, and the task managers will meet as often as is required for efficient management but at least three times a year to review the training and mobility aspects of the fellows, to coordinate the activities of the different working areas, to check progress on the milestones, and to chart the future. Once a year, this group will meet with all the team members in a plenary consortium meeting.

A WEB site will be created for the consortium, including the implementation of the TWiki environment. In this web-based collaboration platform, all members of the consortium will be able to deposit and modify documents. This website will be a major tool for communication between the contractors. The website will provide access to progress reports, intermediate results, and the final results of the research involving this project. This WEB site will provide access to research papers produced by the consortium as well as reports associated with scientific conferences. The site will also include information relevant to the project. This will include announcement of national and international conferences, of meetings and other events within the project, and of job opportunities within the consortium. Discussion forums with archives will be implemented: we plan a general forum and specific ones created on demand by the contractors.

In addition, the WEB site will be a focal point for information about the trainee activities. Specifically, we will summarize the movements of trainees within the Consortium. We also plan to provide documents useful for relocation and mobility of our trainees and consortium members. Reports of the seminars given by our trainees will also be added. Curriculum vitae of the trainees will be included on a voluntary basis. Finally, this WEB site will also provide one means of communicating the projects’ research with the general community – in addition to publication in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at international conferences. The WEB site will be publicly accessible (read only) and will provide links to the data bases maintained by the consortium.