Research Training Network - FP6

Management and feasibility

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Advisory Board

consists of consortium representatives from each of the four science areas—laboratory spectroscopy, molecular physics, laboratory astrophysics, and astronomical modelling—as well as the Deputy Network Co-ordinator who will provide a direct link to the activities in databases and web interfaces of the consortium, the Network Training Co-ordinator, and the Network Administrative Co-ordinator. In addition, a representative of the appointed ESRs/ERs will be included to provide a direct link between these appointees and the management of the consortium. Finally, the board will include two outside members of the molecular astrophysics community. The Advisory Board will advise the Network Co-ordinator and the Task Managers in all matters related to the consortium. Specifically, they will identify the resources within their scientific disciplines that can best contribute to the training and research aspects of the ESR and ER and to accomplishing the different topics, and milestones of the consortium tasks. In addition, in case of conflicts, they will hear the parties involved, get advice from the Network Training Co-ordinator and Task Managers involved and advice the Network Co-ordinator on the best way to resolve the issues.