Research Training Network - FP6

Collective expertize of the network teams

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Participant Number 12: Meudon (FR)

Expertise in Research and Complementarity
The Meudon team is lead by Dr E. Roueff (ER). ER has an interdisciplinary expertise, covering the study of atomic and molecular processes and astrophysical modelling. She chairs (with Boulanger, IAS-Orsay) the French National Program ''Physico-Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire'' supported by three scientific departments of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique: Sciences de l'Univers, Sciences Physiques et de la Matière, and Sciences Chimiques (SC) and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES). ER was also the team leader of the astrophysical groups involved in the successful TMR network on Astrophysical Chemistry (1998-2002), led by Professor Ian Smith (Birmingham now at Rennes). She has in addition an active participation in the "Ecole Doctorale d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique d'Ile de France". The team covers 4 specific expertises within the proposed network: quantum chemistry, collisional excitation, astrophysical modelling and databases. The Meudon team has collaborated previously with Durham on the collisional excitation of H2. Complementary work has also been performed with the Grenoble group on collision and modelling studies. The team is engaged with the Madrid team both on modelling of carbon chains in various interstellar environments and on computation of potential surfaces prior to collisional excitation studies. A fruitful collaboration with Durham has resulted in the development of unique chemical interstellar models. The team takes part in the international effort to compare Photon Dominated Regions model predictions with groups in Leiden and Cologne. The database project on collisional excitation led by Dubernet is an active collaboration between Meudon, Grenoble, and Bordeaux.
Expertise in Training and Knowledge Transfer
The early stage researchers (ESR) will be integrated in the teams of the Observatoire de Paris. ESRs are expected to attend the programme of research seminars, which include (at least) a seminar every week in astrophysics (many more seminars are available in the universities of the Paris environment). Furthermore, the Meudon is the official node of the Ecole Doctorale d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique d'Ile de France. Numerous courses are available, for example 'The Interstellar Medium' and 'Atomic and Molecular Physics', which are relevant for the proposed topics within the network. N. Feautrier and A. Spielfiedel are part of a collaborative program dedicated to the training of Tunisian students. Members of the team regularly attend and present work at national and international meetings. Over the past four years, the Meudon team has supervised 6 PhD students (3M, 3F), of whom 4 have graduated and 2 are current students. ER and JLB have also supervised 2 PDFs (2M).

Involvement of Key Scientific Staff.

Name Position M/F Expertise
E. Roueff Astronomer F molecular physics, astrophysical modelling
N. Moreau Engineer M database
G. Damien Engineer M software
M.L.Dubernet Assistant Astronomer F collision dynamics, Data bases
N. Feautrier Directeur de Recherches F molecular physics
F. Dayou ATER M Interaction/reactive dynamics
M. Gerin Chargée de recherches F astrophysical modelling
A. Grosjean Associated Professor M collision and database
J. Le Bourlot Professor U. P7 M astrophysical modelling
F. Le Petit Assistant Astronomer M astrophysical modelling, database
A. Spielfiedel Chargée de recherches F Quantum chemistry

Significant References
1. Collisional excitation rates of H2O with para-H2 :I. Pure rotational excitation rates at very low temperature. M.L. Dubernet and A. Grosjean, A & A, 390, 793 (2002)
2. D/HD transition in Photon Dominated Regions,F. Le Petit, E. Roueff, J. Le Bourlot, A & A, 390, 369 (2002)